315 W Washington St, Dunkirk, IN 47336
$45,500 For Cash Only Investor with proof of funds
$55,500 For Owner Occupant or Investor that is Pre-Qualified for a Conventional loan not an FHA loan
Tenant is currenting renting Month to Month at $700 per month
Dan Ringwald – 805-242-3004 call or text anytime with any questions
This is a 3 bedroom 1 bath – home recently fixed up, new paint, new vinyl plank oak wood flooring,
new siding and roof on garage, good school district, great yard and neighborhood for kids.
Link for more –> Pictures
Link for property value –> Realtor.com – $52,000 on 6-17-2020
Link for property profile –> Neighborhood
Link for –> Lease-To-Own Properties