Rent per State

This is how much money you need to make to afford rent in every state Among the most expensive rental markets is the nation’s capital, where a person must make an average of $8,487 a month to rent, according to cost estimating site Interesting! Still want to move to California...

Why buying a home can be almost impossible with massive student loan debt

Why buying a home can be almost impossible with massive student loan debt The banks and mortgage companies are a big problem when it comes to loan approvals with high student loan debt.  Our Lease-To-Own programs can accept you and sell you a home but it will not cut your monthly payments in half until you qualify for a bank loan at the lower interest rate they provide.  Contact us for more help on...

NH Big Past

Goodbye to our old website and Hello to our new NH Big Inc. website Every dog has their day and our old site served us well.  Our new site is much more mobile friendly, user friendly, looks better, and of course has more power and feature rich options to serve you better.  Let us know what works, what doesn't work, and what you would like to see more of.  We are leaving some of the demo homes and...


Rent-To-Own   –   Lease-To-Own   – It’s all the same, or maybe not.  There are minor differences that could mean major money moving one way or another.  If you are heading down this path it’s best to know where these paths lead.  You can click on the picture above to get a little more information or you can just call or text Dan Ringwald 805-680-2440 cell so we can go over the details and...

Broker vs. Bot

Where is our Real Estate Future Going ? A good reason why we have added Aiva to our team as seen at here at NH Big Inc. Read more here...


Why You Should NOT Leave Your Job to Become an Entrepreneur This article is very interesting and refreshing to know that the real estate path I travel is not filled with most of the landmines Sallie mentioned.   I can go through her article line by line and tell you why this or that does not apply and how I avoid it.  Taxes, accounting, marketing, YES, most of the rest NO.  I do recommend people...

Learn The Truth About Real Estate Industry

Whether you’re in a major metro market or a small town and regardless of the country, the economy, or even the day and age in which you’re doing business, when you’re in the field of real estate, three core rules apply to your business: Real estate is governed by the law of supply and demand. his rule is absolute and without exception. The appreciation of a market, the expectations of buyers...

10 Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About Real Estate Marketing

Are you already in business, or planning to join one soon? I am very sure you’re contemplating on ways you make selling easier and land quality customers who can be loyal to you, which will ensure you boost your revenue. Well, cool down because I go you’re back covered. I will offer you 10 marvelous tips employed by your competitors on how they sell products and boost their sales in no time. If you...

Why I Love Real Estate

Why I love Real Estate There are way too many highlights and benefits of real estate investing to hit on in a single blog post, so I’m shooting to give a basic overview here.  I don’t think there is any better vehicle for achieving financial freedom for the average person that investing in cash-flowing rental properties.  In the future we will dive into each of these (as well as other benefits) in...

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